A Bunch of Christians Walk into a Coffee Shop


A quick update…plus a little extra

This past Saturday night we kicked off The Furnace in a coffee shop in downtown Bossier, and it confirmed in my heart something I've believed for a long time; people everywhere are far hungrier for Jesus than we realize. 

As I type this blog post, over 13,500 people have watched the Facebook Live video from Saturday night (a big thank you to the Louisiana Cajun Navy for using their platform to record and for making the video available!). People from all across the United States and from many countries have viewed it. Hundreds of people commented. Here are some of their responses;

"Touched by the Holy Spirit from this Louisiana worship 1,000 miles away. Holy Spirit tears"

"It's called The Furnace for a reason"

"Praying for revival across our country"

"Replay on Sunday morning...church before church"

One of the several pastors who came to show their support (and to participate!) approached me afterwards and said he had never experienced an event where he felt there were literally 'no strings attached, no catch, just Jesus.' This is exactly what our team wanted to hear. There are some more testimonies I wish I could share with you, but it would not be appropriate. Let me just say that there is not one person on this earth that God cannot reach, and that many times He uses broken vessels to do His work (this is very good news for someone like me)!

Percy Robertson kicked everything off with an incredible dance to a remix of 'Oceans', and then Chad Troquille and Jordan Welch led out in worship. From the moment they opened their mouths, it was like being under an open heaven. 

As I grabbed the microphone to minister I heard something deep in my spirit and immediately shared it with everyone;

"The enemy has vastly underestimated the hunger that is in the body of Christ. There is nothing more dangerous than a sleeping giant that has been awakened."

I believe the church is that sleeping giant, and she is beginning to stir! Surely some would agree there are many things that need to change, and change quickly within the body of Christ. But more and more I am developing a sneaky suspicion that there is something great on the horizon! Could it be that God is preparing to take all of the frustrations, deep questions, and (gasp) even the confusion that has plagued the minds and hearts of so many people (especially young adults), and turn it around and use it for His purposes and glory? I say yes! Some prominent people have even declared that they are finished with God, but that doesn't mean He is finished with them or that it's over for them! (Romans 11:29; Galatians 6:1) In other words, keep praying for loved ones! 

THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed, served, gave, and believed in this new adventure. Details will be posted soon with a time and location of our next Furnace meeting.

*If you would like to partner and support the different ministries we are engaged in, you can easily give online by clicking the link below. Thank you for your support and for believing in us!


Rediscovering Jesus; a Journey into the Gospels