It’s Just Politics, Baby


So I did a thing. I wrote a political post. On Facebook.

I really had no intention of doing such a thing, as I love the topic of politics as much as I love meatloaf, kale, skinny jeans, and leg day in the gym. Regardless, it has been written and posted.

A friend reached out to me who is not on Facebook, asking if I could make it available outside of that platform. And so that is the purpose of this blog post. I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please feel free to share it.

MY POLITICAL POSITION (for the teeny tiny fraction of people who care)

I am not the brightest or the most intelligent when it comes to anything involving politics. I proudly consider myself mostly ignorant, and I could care less how much any person criticizes that.

The older I get the more I realize how short my time is on this earth, and after reading through the Word many times, I just don’t see where God called His 5-Fold ministers to be politicians. This is NOT to say that God does not use ministers and/or believers in the political spectrum, He surely does. But His priority for the church has never changed; “Go into all the world and make disciples...” 

We are living in an era of ‘woke society’. But you know what? There is nothing ‘woke’ about it. I hear the same weak lies, manipulation, deception, and satanic humanism being sputtered out today that we read of in most ancient civilizations, and you know what? Every single one of them fell...horrifically. 

Back to the simple point of this post that I am definitely taking far too long to communicate...

Babies. The lives of innocent children. Where a political candidate stands on the sanctity of life is where I gravitate. This IS my primary objective in choosing any candidate. If they fail here, I could care less what their position is in any other area and will not listen to them.

“But you don’t know he/she even really cares about babies! They just want a vote!”

True. But I will 100% of the time align with the candidate who says they value the lives of unborn babies vs. the candidate who unequivocally embraces, defends, and worst of all, celebrates the slaughter of the innocent. This is pure evil and no believer has any support from the Word of God on this position. At all. 

God will surely judge His people and His church for their silence on this matter.

LASTLY: to any woman who has had an abortion, still living with guilt and shame, I want you to know that there is not a greater ADVOCATE on your behalf than JESUS CHRIST. His INNOCENT BLOOD that was shed on the cross is powerful enough to cleanse, forgive, and to remove all the effects of sin upon your life, including abortion. His love for you is perfect. 

ALSO: it is a FACT that there are many pastors today who desire to speak out even more on the topic of abortion, but struggle for mostly these two reasons;

1. They know they will be vilified once they do. We are living in an extremely toxic culture that is becoming much more militant against Ministers who preach on ‘hot topics’. May the Lord strengthen our Pastors and Ministers today and give them a backbone!

2. The likelihood that there are women in their congregation who have had an abortion truly weighs on their heart and mind, and they do not want them to feel condemned. So rather than tackling this issue that will one day most certainly bring God’s judgment against our land, they opt for silence. We all need to pray that God gives our pastors insight and wisdom in how to address the seriousness of this sin upon humanity (over 50 million babies murdered legally since 1973, the year I was born), while simultaneously and equally communicating the incredible grace of God not only for this sin, but for all and any sins. 

God have mercy on the Church, our Government, and on our Land. 

Proverbs 6:16-17 “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD...”

Proverbs 24:11 “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.”

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

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A Quote That Never Actually Happened


The Morning Fog