Cancel Culture
I had zero plans to do any writing tonight. If anything, I hoped to spend just a little time reviewing my notes for the latest episode I’ll be recording for my podcast that goes up Friday morning. Then I had this silly idea to watch some of the debate. As I was enjoying the Reality TV Show that is our current politics, and getting a good laugh listening to these extremely wealthy politicians blame each other for the entirety of America’s problems (well…it felt like that’s what they were doing), my mind began to wander. Now, this happens often so there is nothing spectacular about that. But it wasn’t too long before I realized that the Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention.
This phrase kept rolling around on the inside of me over and over, and I just couldn’t shake it…
Now what this means, from what I understand, is that because we are living in a woke society, anything from your past can and will be used against you in the court of modern opinion. It does not matter who you are now or what you may have accomplished, if you dare have an opinion that does not align with the secular and humanistic ideology that is being force-fed to everyone via EVERY form of media, someone is going to find some dumb thing you said or did as a teenager on a 6-second Vine video from 2012, and they will come after you, your job, your family, your character, and whatever else they deem necessary not only to silence you, but to destroy you. CANCEL CULTURE.
I’ve watched pastor friends of mine get hammered and incessantly called out on social media by people who are not even Christians, all because these pastors took a stand against abortion. I have listened to some of the craziest character assassination attempts, just because these men and women of God do not believe babies should be murdered in the womb and decided to make their voices heard. This depravity is only going to increase like an avalanche.
(the deafening silence from many of our pulpits on Sunday mornings concerning social issues bears much responsibility for where we are at as a country. We need to pray for all of our ministry leaders, for courage and a backbone…the coming days are going to be absolutely ruthless. And I am not talking about being an angry preacher, I am simply talking about faithfully preaching the Word of God)
OKAY…TIME TO GET BACK…What a horrible kind of society to be raised in. (oh man, I am jumping back in!) Imagine having just some of the dumb things pulled up from your past that you’ve either shared, posted, tweeted, retweeted, or liked. Not to mention some of the things you may have DONE! What about immorality? Drunkenness? Fits of Rage?
I am sure that there is not one person on this earth who would love for their dirty laundry to be put on display.
As I was pondering so many different thoughts on this subject (you may be able to tell how sporadic my thoughts actually are by my writing. Forgive me…I am writing quickly and not giving much attention to grammatical accuracy) I felt the Lord speak clearly to my heart something that was so powerful and profound;
My mind is racing now and I am going to try my best to keep up.
If there is anyone who has legitimate moral authority to bring a sentence and cancel us because of our sinful deeds, it is definitely Jesus Christ. Not only does He already know everything you have ever done, He even knows all of your thoughts…even the really bad ones.
HIs idea of Cancel Culture looks completely different than what we are seeing today. Look at what the Bible says in Colossians 2:13-15;
“And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
Now my heart is really racing, and I wish I had a microphone right now rather than a keyboard!
Jesus didn’t come to cancel you! He came to cancel those things that were sent to destroy you!
The world seeks to cancel YOU while holding on to your PAST, placing your shame on display for everyone to see!
Jesus seeks to cancel your PAST while holding on to YOU, having already publicly shamed every demonic ruler and authority that is trying to shame you!
When we turn to Jesus in repentance and confess our sins, no matter how dark, hideous, or depraved it may be, He does not cancel us. He receives us. He forgives us. He restores us. He delivers us. He empowers us.
You don’t have to live under a mountain of fear and embarrassment anymore, nervous that you may one day be found out. Guess what? You’ve already been found out! Instead of running from Him you need to run to Him! He is on the MERCY SEAT right now and He is ready to move on your behalf!
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