Fantasy Island

*Please forgive any typos or ramblings in my post. I love to write but it has been a while, and when inspiration hits it is a wrestling match to condense all of my thoughts..

There is this incredible place, a Fantasy Island, if you will. It is more widely known as Social Media. It has these amazing things called “posts” which can be fun, funny, silly, political, religious, non-religious, weird, good, bad, tactful, tasteless, smart, dumb, sketchy, cringe, exaggerated, extremely exaggerated, very extremely exaggerated, family friendly, anti-family, at times heated, woke, asleep, some filled with great opinions and others with embarrassingly ridiculous opinions.

Then there is this other thing called the Real World. In the Real World there are things that exist like, well, reality, 2 genders (also known as male and female), families, marriage, divorce, parents, children, jobs, money, economy, commerce, security, nations, laws, military, governments, nations, worldviews (Biblical, secular, etc.), presidents, propaganda, corruption, truth, beauty, pain, life, death, belief in God, atheism, agnosticism, and many more items that are too exhaustive to list.

Those whose mostly live in this reality known as the Real World and not on Fantasy Island understand a few significant things about what took place tonight at the first Presidential Debate of 2024 between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden;

  1. Hundreds of millions of Americans and a vast majority of the world were flat out lied to about the cognitive and mental deficiency of President Joe Biden. This is not about Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal. The man who holds the highest office in the world should be able to articulate a sentence intelligibly. He should be able to stand up for a two hour debate and command dignity, authority, and respect, and not look like he has no idea where he is or what to say.

  2. The United States media, all of them, literally every network, cannot protect their absurd bias any longer. Immediately following the debate they publicly displayed their panic and even outrage over the atrocious performance and weak demeanor of the current President. A popular anchor on one of the most liberal networks said that Americans deserve an apology from the White House and from President Biden’s own family for being…lied to. Yes, we surely do. Will we get it? Absolutely not.

  3. The Presidents of Russia, China, and the nations all across the Middle East also most certainly watched the debate. A weak and vulnerable President makes a country look weak and vulnerable as well. And to be honest, we are.

  4. Our nation is spiritually and morally bankrupt. We are not going bankrupt, we are bankrupt. Without a sovereign move of God, our nation has no chance of survival.

Manipulative, filthy, and wicked politicians have worked hard to pass off Fantasy Island as though it were the Real World. They have screamed and shouted so loud and for so long topics such as Racism, DEI, Trans-Rights, lgbtq+ (did I get all of the letters and symbols in?), Pro-Murder babies all of the way up until and right after birth, and utilizing words like “nazi” and “fascism” to a generation that has no idea what those words even mean.

How long will God allow the United States to remain a world power while we have surgeons legally chopping off the breasts of young teenage girls and castrating boys? Our country is literally butchering young men and women.

Where is the Church? Why the silence? Why are we timid? Are we living on Fantasy Island too? Have our leaders been spiritually castrating the young generation of pastors, prophets, and evangelists too?

In the last few months and even weeks several high profile pastors have been exposed and have stepped down from public ministry. There is no question that God in His mercy and grace gave them plenty of time (years) to deal with their sins in private before finally turning on the spotlight.

I wonder if this is what happened tonight at the Debate with our President…and also with our country.

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