In Perversion They Trust

I apologize for any typos and thoughts that do not flow well. This post came about as I was sitting at my desk preparing to record tomorrow’s episode of the Bible 365 podcast. Someone sent this to me and I did not believe it at first, until I read it. That was less than an hour ago, and here you go…

If you want to read one of the most insane and straight up DEMONIC proclamations from the highest office in our country, go pull up this hot pile of garbage from the President of the United States that was released today.

Everything written here is in direct contradiction to Biblical values. Much like modern culture.

This will undoubtedly lead to the FAST normalization of even more vile behavior, and also the rampant mutilation of children by psychopathic parents and doctors. It’s already happening.

They always want the kids, don’t they?

All pastors, youth pastors, ministers, and everyday Christian’s must engage.

If you don’t know where you should stand or what to do in this sick and twisted hour, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Read your Bible. It’s all there and extremely clear, regardless of what some peddlers say today who know neither God nor His Word.

  2. Find a Church that preaches from the Bible and doesn’t just give out fancy 3 point “How To” messages, “How to Get Filthy Rich” heresies, and foolish eschatological teachings that have more in common with conspiracy theories than reality.

  3. Find a Church that loves God and His Word as much as they say they love people. I’ve observed far too many sacrifice the truth of the Word on the altar of “loving people”. However, if you never speak the truth, knowing that those you say you love will stand before God one day, are you really loving them? People today seem far more acquainted with the 2 verses in one passage that say “God is love” than they are with the over 400 verses that say “God is holy” and yet what do we always hear today?

    ”It’s all about love, bro!”

    Go read the Prophet Isaiah and the Book of Revelation. Be enamored and overwhelmed as you read about how the angels with six wings, having eyes in front and behind, fly around the throne crying out,
    ”Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

    What do they not say? “Love, love, love, is the Lord God Almighty.”

    We need a reset in the Western Church. Know that the more acquainted we become with His holiness, the more acquainted we will be with His love.

  4. Find a Church that is not afraid to speak out against a twisted and morally depraved culture. This of course is not something they must do all of the time, but it should be frequent and direct. Why? Because the enemy is incredibly direct and consistently frequent.

  5. Pray for our country and all of those in authority, including local government, policeman, and spiritual leaders.

  6. Pray for boldness. We have an epidemic of terrified Christians today. I understand and can feel it too. Especially with how incredibly vitriolic people can be on social media anytime you make a stand for righteousness, even in the smallest of issues. Everything is tolerated, accepted, and fully embraced today. Oh, except for Biblical Christian values. Share encouraging verses and/or quotes and you’ll have a few people like and share them. Say something about ungodly music, movies, and politicians? You better watch your back.

“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to reward each one as his work deserves. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” 14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life, and may enter the city by the gates. 15 Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral persons, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.
Revelation 22:12-15

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Before America Dies: Series Intro