
Randy hosts monthly meetings called The Furnace, is active in podcasting, blogging, travels anywhere he is invited, and recently launched an online ministry school called The Factory. His unique preaching style of hard hitting truths mixed with humor, endear and engage audiences of all ages. His one desire is to see people fall madly in love with Jesus. Learn more by clicking the link.


Randy in Real Life

Come follow my podcast where I share insights from over 30 years of preaching Jesus! Some of my favorite topics are revival, church history, hot topics, and so much more. If you enjoy the podcast, you'd LOVE The Factory, my special membership site (FREE) where I go much deeper on many more topics.

What Others Are Saying

Joel Stockstill

“I have been friends with Randy for nearly two decades and witnessed the power of God powerfully at work through him to reach the next generation and bring all people into the family of God. His intensity for Jesus overflows into a unique Gospel presentation that will always leave you changed and challenged. Whether listening to a podcast, hearing a message, or responding to an altar call, prepare for God to speak to you!”

Jacob Schmelzer

“Randy has a passion to see lost and hurting people encounter Jesus in a real way. He’s a masterful communicator that breaks down walls in people’s hearts with humor and grace so they can be flooded with God’s truth and love. His authenticity and passion go beyond the platform. He’s the same on a street corner as he is in the church pulpit. He’s raw, real, and thought-provoking!”

Paul Floyd

“Randy is a needed voice in the Body of Christ today. His ministry provokes and challenges the local church in the areas of prayer, evangelism, leadership, and revival. He is a catalyst to bring the Body of Christ into a deeper, and more passionate relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Become a Partner!

I am so excited that you visited my site today! You may be a ministry leader seeking information, a partner stopping by, or a friend checking in, and I am so grateful to be connected with you.

Our desire is to help as many people and churches become ready for what is to come. Equipping in the area of Evangelism, Prayer, Leadership, and the overall subject of Revival is my passion! If you would like to partner with our ministry, simply click on the button below. Becky and I love you all and are so thankful for you!


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